Accessories: Surveyor: Moisture alarm, vacuum valve and pump

The Moisture alarm, vacuum valve and pump from AQUATICA offers an added level of protection to the underwater photographer. As thoroughly built, inspected and tested as are the AQUATICA housings, their sealing integrity can be challenged by sand, debris or damage to their O-ringover time. With its constant monitoring of the sealing condition of your housing, the AQUATICA SURVEYOR gives you peace of mind; you can now enter the water, knowing that your expensive camera equipment is fully protected.
The SURVEYOR circuitry integrates a water detection function that remains on constant duty when a battery is inserted. Should the slightest amount of water make contact with the sensor probes, it will trigger an alarm using both an audible signal and a rapidly flashing red LED tovisually attract your attention. Adding the vacuum pump and pressure valve toyour housing, will make it possible, by creating a vacuum inside the housing, to fully test its sealing integrity. Once the easy to follow procedure iscompleted, a green coloured LED, blinking every 5 seconds, will inform you thatyour SURVEYOR system is monitoring your camera housing and that this one is totallysafe and ready to be immersed.
In the event that some sand, hair or foreign object wouldcompromise the housing sealing integrity, the SURVEYOR warns you with both an audible signal and a rapidly flashing red LED signal.
AQUATICA has designed the SURVEYOR to the same physical dimensions as our earlier AQUATICA # 20023 moisture alarm. Retrofitting an earlier housing is as simple as removing the older moisture alarm and replacingit with the # 19229 SURVEYOR version.
Click here to download the instruction manual.
The SURVEYOR circuit board is slightly different inappearance. A switch has now been added, its purpose being to activate thevacuum pressure sensor function. To see the difference between the earlier (# 20023) moisture alarm and the newer SURVEYOR (# 19229), please click here.
Description of Kits
SURVEYOR moisture and vacuum sensor complete system: Provides vacuum monitoring and moisture detection for an AQUATICA and other underwater camera housing. The housing requires a bulkhead entry point hole of ½” diameter, for installation of the pressure valve.
When ordering, always specify the housing model it is intended for.
Included with this kit are the following items:
- Surveyor moisture and vacuum sensor circuit
- CR 2032, 3 volt battery
- Mounting screws and spacers (2x of each)
- Pressure valve with retaining nut (1/2’’ diameter)
- Vacuum pump
- Container of O-ring lubricant
- Instruction sheet
SURVEYOR moisture and vacuum sensor circuit board: Ads moisture detection to an underwater housing if used alone or with the addition of a vacuum pump and pressure valve kit # 19502, monitoring the vacuum sealing integrity of the housing becomes possible. This moisture and vacuum sensor is also be used to replace the discontinued moisture alarm (# 20023) found in earlier housings.
When ordering, always specify the housing model it is intended for.
Included with this kit are the following items:
- Surveyor moisture and vacuum sensor circuit
- CR 2032, 3-volt battery
- Mounting screws and spacers (2x of each)
- Instruction sheet